

Lauren McDonald is a photographer living in Northern Virginia. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Art and Visual Technology with a concentration in new media art and a minor in photography at George Mason University’s School of Art in May 2021. McDonald takes photographs using natural light that capture the unique personality of individual animals and the beauty of natural landscapes and still-life.  



Artist Statement

Through the medium of digital photography, I create artwork that often centers around my fascination and respect for animals as well as the beauty of natural landscapes and still-life. I have always found joy in silently observing the natural world and its many creatures. Therefore, most of my work pertaining to animals and nature is observational, in that my goal with the photographs is to simply capture a faithful representation of what I see in that moment. When taking photographs, I mainly work with natural or available light and use a shallow depth of field. Generally, when editing photos, my only aim is to make sure the photo is an honest visual depiction of the beauty I see when looking through the camera lens.

In truth, I create artwork simply because it brings me joy. While I will sometimes work in other artistic mediums, I find that I enjoy working with photography the most. I really love experimenting and discovering new techniques and ways to approach taking photographs. As such, the best way to describe my work is that it is an extension of myself and it will always grow and evolve as I learn new things and new opportunities present themselves. 

In my most recent works, I have started experimenting with constructed still-life photographs as well as some light painting techniques. In the constructed still-life images, I have used photoshop in a more artistic way than I usually do to create one constructed composition from multiple still-life photos. These types of photographs are a little different than most of my past works, but I have enjoyed trying something new.